Monday, November 10, 2008


I wanted to talk a little about values today. I don't have time to write as much as I want to right now but I wanted to write at least a little bit now so you can see what will be coming soon. I am convinced that there is nothing that is more influential in your life than what your values are, and more specifically what order of importance each of those values is in.

The main reason I believe this is because I have come to realize that I ask someone (or myself) enough questions that start with "why" about why they did or didn't do something, the fundamental reason always comes back to one of their values. Try it on yourself now. What is something that you've done recently? Why did you do that? Why is that? And why is that? Keep asking yourself "why" until you get to the point where you can't ask why anymore because you've gotten to the fundamental reason and you can't ask why anymore because you'll just keep getting the same answer. You'll find that your fundamental reason is always based one or more of your values. This is true for all of the decisions you make, large or small, important or unimportant, complex or simple - and most importantly, conscious or unconscious.

Since this is the case, it is extremely important to determine exactly what your values are and be conscious of them. You need to know what your values are, so you can consciously think about them and if they are really the values you should have, and if they are in the order of importance that they should be in. That way, if your values aren't the ideal set or in the ideal order of importance, you can decide to change the order, or add or eliminate some of them from the values list in your mind that controls your life and every decision you make everyday.

So what are your values? Are they the values you want? Are there some values you don't have that you think you should have? What order are those values in? Are they in the right order? Think about it...really think about it. It's worth however long it will take you to really determine what your values are, what order they are in, and what needs to be changed.

In my next blog, I'll post a comprehensive list of good values that I feel you should have on your list. I'll also tell you how to add values to your list, subtract values from your list, and change the order of your values to match what you want them to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Vance! We have matching I saw your link on Facebook and thought I'd check it out- very much looking forward to reading future posts! Hope you guys are doing well:)
