One of the things that successful people do is make better use of their time than others. There is a lot I could write about regarding this subject (and I'm sure I will in the future), but this particular post will be about one aspect of making better use of your time that you can start doing immediately and best of all, it's easy! Start using your downtime more productively.
For instance, you probably drive to work each day and listen to the radio or a music cd on the way. This is a major source of downtime. Instead of listening to the radio or a music cd, you could listen to a book on cd instead and be learning or at least expanding the list of books you've read and your vocabulary at the same time. So go to the library, check out a book on cd that seems interesting to you, and listen to that on your way to work and your way home from work each day. If you do this, you'll probably be able to go through a book each week and will have read (listened to) 52 more books than you normally would have read in the next year. This will make you one of the most well-read people in the world in just a few years.
Another source of downtime is your lunchbreak at work. You could spend that time with friends who are co-workers or reading a magazine or newspaper or something of course, but you could also spend that time with someone that you don't yet know very well at your workplace. By inviting someone you don't yet know to lunch, you will get to know more people at your workplace, increasing your network. It would be especially beneficial to invite an influential person to lunch, that may be able to help you in the future. They will be much more likely to help you in the future if they know who you are and have a relationship with you, even if it's just from having had lunch with you once in a while. By expanding your network in this way, you will be setting yourself up for greater success in your job and your future ambitions concerning your career.
Another area in which you have downtime is when ou are waiting in line or waiting in general for some other reason. If you always carry a book with you, then you could read during the time you're waiting so you would be making much better use of your time than if you were just sitting or standing there, not doing anything. You could even go so far as to get a palm pilot or other handheld device that you can keep in your pocket to keep electronic copies of books on to read anywhere, anytime.
There are countless examples of downtime most people have that could be used in a better way. Pay attention to the downtime you have in your life, and start making better use of it. It's one of the many simple little things that you can do that will make a big difference in helping you achieve the level of success in your life more quickly and easily.
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