Recently there has been a lot of talk about the law of attraction (the law that like attracts like) from self-improvement gurus, and movies like the Secret. Buy what you may not know is that this was spoken about a long time ago in a little book I called the Bible. Both in positive and negative ways.
- Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
- Job 22:28 - Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
- Job 3:25 - Because a dreadful thing I have dreaded, it has come upon me. And what I have been scared of comes to me.
- Psalm 34:4 - I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
- Proverbs 23:7 - For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Since this "secret" has been around for so long, it's in the bible, and so many people believe it to be true and have seen it working in their lives (including myself), I believe it is true. Maybe it can't be proven, but you can observe it happening in your own life and in the lives of others around you as well. The law of attraction basically states that whatever you focus on, you attract into your life. This is because thoughts are not just metaphysical things, meaning that they have no real substance or action that is measurable associated with them. In fact they do! Any and every thought you have produces a set of subsequent electrical signals being fired in your brain, as well as a release of specific chemicals in your brain and your body. Just because we haven't determined a good way to measure them (thoughts) yet, doesn't mean that they can't be measured. If you put someone in an MRI machine and show them pictures of different things or ask them to think about different things, you can see the different parts of their brain being triggered depending on the thought and even more so the feelings associated with those thoughts. So thoughts are actually things, not just immaterial phenomena.
Since thoughts are actually things and produce physical reactions, it makes sense that they also influence the physical world in a very real way. Everything in the universe that we know of is made of the same stuff (energy in one form or another), and anything that happens causes something else to happen, which causes something else to happen, and so on. This is because everything is connected to everything else because it is all made of the same thing. So when you think of something, it causes something to happen that attracts that thing that you were thinking about, into your life. Why this happens or how it happens I cannot say exactly because I don't know for sure. But as I said, I think it has something to do with everything being made of energy, and everything being connected in such a way that the law of attraction naturally happens through some medium I do not and maybe can not comprehend so I just chalk it up to being God's will.
So if the law of attraction is real, and you need to pay attention to what you focus on, then you need to also specifically pay attention to what you think about on a regular basis. If I tell you NOT to think of a pink elephant, can you do it? Of course not, ...even though I told you not to, you just thought about a pink elephant didn't you? You are probably even picturing one in your mind's eye right now. And the longer I write about pink elephants, the more likely you are to keep thinking about them because you are reading this, which means you are thinking about what you are reading, which means you are focusing on what I am writing. So you need to pay attention to what you think about and therefore what you focus on.
You have already experienced the law of attraction in your life many, many times. Have you ever had a bad morning when you just couldn't get whatever the negative thing that happened in the morning out of your mind (you focused on it), and then things just kept getting worse and worse all day long? Or maybe the opposite happened, you had a great morning, focused on that and things kept getting better and better all day! Or maybe you were playing a sport and you did something really great and you kept thinking about how good that felt, and you kept doing better and better at that sport that day or even that whole week or month! Or you may have had to deal with a crappy customer at work and you focused on that for some reason, and you seemed to keep getting crappy customers for the rest of that day. Or the same thing could have happened but with good customers. Maybe you saw something you really wanted and didn't tell anyone about, but someone got it for you for your birthday or Christmas anyway. These are just a few of countless examples.
Why don't you try something if you don't believe that the law of attraction is real, or even if you do just to play with it a little bit...try this: Think of something simple like a cup of coffee for instance, that you want to attract into your life soon. Close your eyes and picture it, see it, smell it, touch the coffee cup and pick it up, feel the texture of the cup and warmth of it. Experience the feelings of satisfaction as you put the cup to your mouth and take a sip. Feel the warm coffee traveling down your throat as you swallow that sip of coffee. Hold on to this sensation and these feelings for a little while, and then open your eyes. Do this a few times today and I bet you will get a cup of coffee soon. Or try it by focusing on something else instead if you don't like coffee. Maybe think of an old friend who you haven't talked to in a while but would like to catch up with. Do the same kind of thing, close your eyes and picture calling them on the phone or meeting up with them in person. Picture their face and the sound of their voice. Think about some of the good times you shared in the past. Imagine what you would talk about and where they might be in their life right now. Do this a few time a day too and I bet you will either meet them soon in an unexpected place, they will call or email you, or you can call them and I bet they will tell you that they've been thinking about you recently as well!
The law of attraction is real, and you can use it to your advantage once you understand how it works. All you have to do is focus on what you want and feel the feelings of happiness, gratitude, contentment, excitement, etc. that you would have if you already had it...and you will eventually get it. But if you don't consciously pay attention to what you focus on, the law of attraction can work against you too. If you keep focusing on how much debt you have and that you never have enough money, you'll keep getting more debt and probably have even less money! If you focus on how crappy a customer was, you will probably keep getting crappy customers.
So pay attention to what you focus on, and consciously decide that you are going to focus on good, positive things that will help you on your journey down the road of success. You will notice a difference, and the people around you will too!