There are so many stories about how people have had a dream or goal that they really believed in, faced incredible opposition along the way but pressed on anyway, got knocked down over and over but kept getting back up, and had road blocks put in their way but they found a way to get around them or break through them until they finally achieved their goal...and every time someone asked them whether it was worth it or not, or if they would do it again if they knew how hard it would be from the start, they always said that they would still have decided to do it.
- Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
- Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933)
How many times have you been told that you shouldn't quit. Now how often have you actually thought about what that means or why you shouldn't quit. I'll tell you why... it's simple. If you quit, then it's impossible for you to achieve your goal! That's it. As long as you are still trying, you still have a chance, however small that chance may be. But when you quit, you have absolutely no chance anymore. For instance, if your goal is to sell a bunch of a certain product so that you make $100,000 in one year, and you have a hard time selling any of them for the first couple of weeks, would you quit? What if you really believed in the product, and that you actually could accomplish your goal if you just found the right market (people) to sell them to? If you kept trying and only accomplished half of what you set out to achieve, you still would have made $50,000!!! But if you had quit, how much would you have made? That's right, NOTHING! Which one would be better? Plus if you didn't quit, then you would have also learned how to be a better salesman which will help you accomplish even more during the rest of your life. If you had quit, you wouldn't have learned anything on top of the fact that you didn't make any money!
I know it's hard sometimes. I know that you may feel like crap, or that it's not worth it, or that you can't actually accomoplish your goal because it's too hard or you're not smart enough or good enough at something. Believe me, I've been there more than once. But if you persist, you will eventually accomplish anything you set out to achieve...I was able to, and I will continue to. If you really believe in what you are trying to accomplish, then there is always a way. All that it takes is time in order for you to find the right way, and the appropriate amount of effort to make it happen once you do. Don't quit! Be persistent and keep your sense of determination. Often times it's right when the going gets toughest that people quit when if they would have just stuck it out for a little bit longer, they would have acoomplished their goal.
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
-Thomas Edison
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