Monday, April 20, 2009


Keeping things in perspective, specifically looking at different perspectives of the same issue is something that is very important to remember to do, but unfortunately it doesn't happen naturally. You have to consciously remember to do it, and when you do you will have not only a happier life, but also a more successful one because you will understand situations and issues much better.

You need to keep things in perspective or else you will misinterpret the actions of others and situations you find yourself in as well. Everyone is different and consequently, they have different ways of looking at situations and at the world in general.  Even if that difference is only a slight one - it makes a difference in how that situation is interpreted. Take for instance the case where there are 4 different people standing on each corner of an intersection where there is a car accident that occurs while the people are watching. If you ask each of those people what happened, you will get 4 different versions of the same situation because each person was looking at it from a slightly different angle or perspective. So the best way to get the truth about what really happened would be to put all of the stories together (the common elements) and then add in the parts that were different but that make the most sense after hearing everyone's version. That will leave you with the most realistic version of the truth about what happened and the best explanation of what actually happened so you will understand what really happened, rather than just one version of what happened.

This same method of looking at things from different perspectives should be used in our daily lives as well in order to better understand what truly happens and more importantly, why people see things differently. Next time you are in a situation that could be looked at in a negative way, stop, try to think of a different perspective that you could interpret the situation through and do that. Then put the common, most likely elements together and add in the parts that are different which make the most sense, and I guarantee that you will understand the situation better and be able to respond more effectively.

As you can imagine, it is especially important to do when dealing with a situation between two or more people. Always try to look at the issue being discussed from the other persons' points of view so that you will not only better understand the issue, but also better understand each person. You will have less interpersonal conflict, the conflicts you do have will not escalate as much as they normally would, and you will be seen as a more intelligent, caring, fair, and understanding person - which will only help to speed up your journey down the road of success!