Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Importance of Leadership: Football Quarterbacks

Leadership is important in all group activities. Here is an article I wrote about why it's an important quality for quarterbacks playing football to have.

The Importance of Leadership: Football Quarterbacks

I'm Back!!!

That's right, I'm back! I know it's been quite a while since my last post, but the crazy-busy-stressful year of school, work, church, family, and other misc issues is over. So I have time once again to write, woo hoo! And since I've experienced quite a bit in the last year, I have plenty to write about. Please stay tuned for new posts coming soon!

P.S. I have also begun writing a few books. I will be publishing my first one (a book about how to easily and effectively organize your email messages and understand what I call "the politics of email") sometime in the next year (depending on whether I decide to self-publish or go the traditional publishing route). Let me know if you're interested in reading it and I can arrange for you to get an autographed copy.