Monday, October 25, 2010

Yes, You’re Saved by Grace. But Your Actions Still Matter.

Many Christians rest on the fact that they’ve been saved by God’s grace and so they know that they are going to Heaven when they pass away. And they’re right. Anyone who’s accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior has been born again, and will go to Heaven when they pass away. The problem is that they think that give them the right to coast through life, waiting until either for the rapture or for their time here to come to an end.

These people forget that just because they are going to Heaven, doesn’t mean that they have accomplished all they were meant to while still here on Earth. If fact, I believe that Christians are called to do even more with their lives than others. First and foremost amongst these things is doing what they can to help bring others to Christ.

But there are other things that we as Christians should do too. Everyone has certain gifts that they have been given. But many don’t use their gifts nearly as much as they could or should. We as Christians should try to use the gifts we’ve been given as much as we reasonably can to do good things – especially if it helps show others the glory of God.

Not only that, but all of the little things we do in life should be done in such a way as to please God. Seriously,…everything. I know it’s a tall order, and we’ll all fall short of this no matter how hard we try. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to try. After all, God has called us to be like Him.

And don’t forget, we all will find ourselves answering for each and every one of our thoughts and actions on the day of judgment. We’ll be rewarded for the good things we’ve done, and will see rewards we would have received burned to ashes for the things we’ve done that were not good. Do you want to earn rewards that will last forever, or to have your rewards burned to ashes?

Don’t waste time. Don’t make poor choices. Do everything you can to do good things. And in everything you do, do it in a way that will bring glory to God. Even if it seems insignificant to you. God sees everything and will remember it, and reward your for it on that day when you see Him face to face.