Monday, January 12, 2009

Mistakes are Good!!!

Mistake. That word might as well be a swear word. There are so many people that are afraid of making mistakes, that the word even conjures up feelings of anxiousness, hesitancy, and stress. But why? Good question! Let me tell you the answer. It's because these people look at mistakes as failures, and no one ever wants to fail - at anything.

Is this how you feel about mistakes? I used to. Then I learned something about what mistakes really are than changed the way I look at them and has increased my self-confidence by at least fifty percent. I'm sure you've heard it before, but do you really believe it? What is it you say? It's this:

Mistakes are not failures, they are learning opportunities.

That's right, a mistake is nothing more than an opportunity to learn something. What you can learn is that whatever you did that didn't bring about the results you wanted was not the way it should be done in the future unless you are aiming for the results you obtained. It's that simple. Thomas Edison was one of the most successful inventors who ever lived, and I bet he probably made more mistakes than most people who have ever lived as well! It's almost common knowledge now that he went through over 1,000 attempts at making a light bulb before he finally figured it out. Who knows how many mistakes he made while trying to make everything else he invented work!

Mistakes are good in fact! The more mistakes you make, the more you learn about why something didn't work the way you thuoght it would, and the better you'll perform in the future, and the better decisions you'll make in the future because of everything you learn from all of the mistakes you made in the past. This is not to say that you should go out and purposefully make mistakes. You don't learn anything from that, because if you make a mistake on purpose, you already know it's not going to work. That's just being stupid. Don't do that. Instead, stop being afraid of doing something because you think you might make a mistake. You probably will, and that's okay! You will learn from it and be better off in the future because of it!

I have a theory that many of the most successful people in the world, are people who have made many, many, many more mistakes than everyone else as well. So go out and do what you want to do, whether or not you think you'll make mistakes. When you do make a mistake, learn from it and move on. When you stop making mistakes, step out of your comfort zone again so you can keep growing and learning and make some more mistakes. I know it probably sounds crazy, but the more mistakes you make, the more successful you'll be.

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