Sunday, February 15, 2009

Take Care of Your Relationships

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of your life and in determining whether or not you will be successful. These relationships are between you and your significant other, your co-workers, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues (in your industry), and even with people you don't know but that know you. All of these people play a part in helping, or hurting your progress towards living the type of life you want to live. It's very important to make a good first impression on those who could influence your future, and to gain and maintain the respect of those whom you already know. By doing so these people will help, rather than hinder your progress towards becoming a success. 

The most important and influential relationship you will have is the one with your significant other. If they do not support you, your journey down the road of success will be filled with even more twists and turns and the speed limit will be pretty low. However, if they do support you, then your road of success will straighten out and the speed limit will increase. Think about it this way: If you do not have a significant other, then your road of success will be a "normal" one with some twists, turns, pot-holes, and an average speed limit (say 60 mph). You can do live the type of life you want to live and become a successful person, no doubt about it. If you have a significant other though, then that road will change either for the better or for the worse, cannot stay the same. If the relationship is a good one, then they will be there to challenge you and push on the gas when you get too comfortable and are going too slow, stand behind you, support you, and help you watch out for pot holes and road blocks when you are working towards your goals, be the shock absorber that helps keep your ride somewhat smooth when you are traveling over the bumps, be there to hand you the tools you need when there is a little maintenance necessary, and be there to celebrate with you every time you reach one of your goals. But if the relationship isn't a good one, then they will distract you so that you hit more pot holes and take wrong turns, criticize your driving style and navigational skills, and make the ride uncomfortable by turning the radio to a station your don't like and turning the temperature on too hot or too cold.

If you are in a relationship, you'll know exactly what I mean. If you aren't, then take my word for it and I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. So take care of your relationships and your travel down the road of success will be faster and smoother. If you need to take a pit stop to work on your relationship a little bit before will be well worth it.

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